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A messenger of the Light

Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
November 20, 2024
John 1:1-9

This has been a wonderfully busy week of meeting with folks, leading and joining in worship and Bible Study. I am thankful to be part of ministries that include all ages, with differing social backgrounds. Sometimes it is quite the challenge for me to “read” the people and then to work out ways of communication that will help each person understand what I am trying to share with them.

My “through the Bible in two years” study today brought me to the Gospel of John and a favorite memory passage; John 1:1-5. It describes Jesus as being in the beginning, and sharing with God the creation process which includes life giving light. I perceive that this light is discernment in what God desires in a relationship with the humans He created. Then I read on through verses 6-9 which describes John the Baptist, a messenger for the light; “There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness of the light. The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world”. The part that reads; “he came only as a witness of the light” suddenly took on a deeper meaning for me. It strikes me that all followers of Christ are to be “only a witness of the light”, meaning, not self-seeking, or shining for any other reason than to bring a witness of God’s love for everyone and the hope that Christ Jesus gives to all who would believe in Him.

A witness can really only express what they have experienced. A witness doesn’t lean on what others have experienced or even said, but a true witness shares what they know to be true by what they have encountered. Here’s the challenge; how can you and I share what we have experienced or encountered in our journey, called Discipleship, in such a clear way that everyone who is around us gets a glimpse of the “True Light”?

Maybe it has little to do with what we say, and more about the way we say, and even more about a quiet, peaceful caring attitude. Thank you, Lord, for reminding me to take time to be still and know that you are God. Thank you Lord that you will help us find our way in this world as we follow the light of Christ. AMEN!
