Jesus Loves You
March 17, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith
As Disciples of Jesus, it must have been hard to understand the heavenly teachings Jesus shared for their earthly good. So it often is for us. Read on, and I pray you will find more to lean on as you Lean Into Lent.
From the Gospel of John, chapter 6 and verses 28-29: “…they asked him [Jesus], ‘What must we do to do the works God requires?’
Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’”
Sometimes it’s the believing, not just the knowing about Jesus, but the deep down in your heart and soul belief that Jesus loves you right where you are that hold us back from trusting and obeying. Max Lucado in his little book we’ve been sharing, writes about belief from the perspective of guilt/shame and pride;
“Pride and shame. You’d never know they were sisters. They appear so different. Pride puffs out her chest. Shame hangs her head. Pride boasts. Shame hides. Pride seeks to be seen. Shame seeks to be avoided. But don’t be fooled, the emotions have the same parentage. And the emotions have the same impact. They keep you from your Father. Pride says, ‘You’re too good for him.’ Shame says, ‘You’re too bad for him’. Pride drives you away. Shame keeps you away. If pride is what goes before the fall, then shame is what keeps you from getting up after one.” (He Did This Just For You pgs. 22-23)
This Lenten season is all about evaluating where you are in your belief and trust. My hope for all is that we seek Him without fear. God sent his son into the world to save it. No need to try to be anyone other than the person you are. It takes courage to look to Him for forgiveness and then to receive it, salvation comes through Him and no one else.
Jesus loves you this I know, for the Bible tells me so!
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