Leaning into Lent
March 24, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith
This coming Sunday will be Palm Sunday. How each congregation will celebrate may vary a bit, but more often than not it includes the waving of Palms. When I was young, I didn’t care why we waved palm branches in church, I was just excited to be part of the celebration. I wonder though, if the excitement has waned with the anxiety and division that has occurred during the past year. If you feel less than excited about Palm Sunday, I hope you will read this brief telling of the original event from the perspective of John Pollock in his book The Master- A Life of Jesus:
“They [the Apostles and followers of Jesus] entered Bethphage, a village set in fields and olive groves yet no rural backwater but a suburb of Jerusalem, filled already with Galilean pilgrims who streamed out to join the procession. They cut branches, especially palms, from the trees shading the lane and threw them ahead of the colt [upon which Jesus rode] to form a carpet of greenery, or waved them as they walked. The palm branch was a symbol of victory. Some members of the procession sang the traditional welcome from one of the ‘Psalms of Ascent’, with it’s invocation, ‘Hosannah (God Save Us), Hosannah, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’…Shocked Pharisees shouted above the noise, ‘Teacher, rebuke your disciples!’ Jesus had always rebuked attempts to make him a king.
This time he called back, as he rode the symbol of peace and humility [the colt of a donkey], I tell you, if these stay silent, the very stones will cry out’.” Hosannah! (God Save Us!).
Have you found yourself asking for God’s help more lately? I want to assure you that God longs to help his children, and he listens when we call to him, but his answer is often shadowed by the human life we live in a human world that has been darkened by sin. Still, like my retired preacher friend from one of my congregations loves to say boldly, “God help us!”. He is one of the “Amen Corner”, you know the one’s that speak out during the sermon an “Amen” or “Hallelujah” or, “That’s right”. He encourages me to continue with the Word of God even if it appears that few are listening.
So, here’s my thought for this week; Don’t be afraid to boldly call out to God “Help Us!”, and take time to read in the Gospels the amazing telling of His answer for you.
Can I get an “Amen”?
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