He is Risen Indeed!
April 1, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith
Did you know that Jesus turns our Hosanna’s into Hallelujah’s on the day of his resurrection?
Did you know that when we cry out to God “Help me now!” it is a joy to Him and yet comes with an opportunity to take the next step toward the help we ask for?
You see, when Jesus entered Jerusalem on the day we celebrate as Palm Sunday, He rode in on the colt of a donkey, a symbol of a King arriving in peace, and when he arrived the crowd cried out, many in a demanding voice, “Hosanna!” which means “Save Us”.
I can’t help thinking that many in the crowd who knew of the healings and the miracle of food for the 5 thousand, and even the event of bringing Lazarus back from the dead were not so much praising Jesus for his goodness as they were demanding of him what they wanted – “Save us Now!”
“Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 23:5)
Why do we tend to look for the “right now” answer, when what is in the “right now” may be a dead end road?
Jesus told his followers what was going to happen according to God’s plan, they then, and we now, turn a deaf ear and only want what we want, when we want it. It may be a very unselfish cry for “help now!” for a dear friend that is suffering so much. It might be a deep rooted whisper “stop this now!” for a virus or continuance of abuse. None of these escapes God’s awareness and yet we cry out. Perhaps the answer is to look up. Look up to the cross and look up at the heavens. He uses it all to draw us closer to him. It often hurts and feels unfair, but Jesus did not go to the cross because it was fair, He did it for you because He loves you.
The great news is; “He is Risen indeed!”.
Celebrate this Easter with a new boldness and willingness to trust Him, even when it hurts. He hurts alongside with you!