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Let the Church Help

April 21, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith
Ephesians 4:21-24

As I write this and prepare to post it, I want to say that this has been a difficult morning. Not because of illness, or tragedy, or grief of loss, though there is much of that in the world around me that I know affects me even when I am about daily chores. No, the difficulty has come from encounters with very troubled and upset folks who are shocked at the way fellow believers treat them. If you read last week’s meditation, you can see how the Lord prepared me and you for just such a time as this. (see 2 Corinthians 5:16-21)

As I held my head in my hands at my desk and computer, my eyes landed on a little book; Church Signs and the Lord gave me a step back that made me chuckle. This particular church sign reads; “Don’t Let The Worries Of This World Kill You, Let The Church Help.” Wow! You could take that a couple of different ways. I took it as a humbling reminder that the “Church” (meaning all fellowships of Christian believers together) are made up of people and as the Scripture reminds us; “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, hence, we mess up often, even if we don’t recognize it.

God knows and loves us enough to encourage us to keep looking to Him daily (and even moment by moment) to seek His way in His Word and then “the Church” can be: “made new in the attitude of our minds; and put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Eph.4:23-24)

May the Lord bless you and keep you close to Him as you seek Him in His Word and my you sense His protection from all that would threaten the Unity of the bond we share in Him.