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Seeing the Face of God

May 5, 2021
Midweek study with Pastor Edith 

“Sermon Second Helpings” from Exodus 3 and 33. “Seeing the Face of God”

Reflecting back on Moses and his encounters with God, I like to remember how the relationship started. Moses, a man who once thought himself to be a Royal Egyptian only to discover that he was a poor Hebrew slave, finds himself living a meager yet peaceful life among a people who trusted in the one true God. His first encounter back in Exodus chapter 3 tells us that Moses, though standing in front of a burning bush miracle and hearing the very voice of God, does not shy away, but asks bold questions. The one that strikes me the most is when Moses asks God; “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, What is his name? Then what shall I tell them?”

I wonder if I am in awe of the same miracle working, mercy sharing, God as Moses was, and yet willing to be honest and open and ask the questions that burn in me. Do you have that kind of relationship with this same God that formed you as well? Later in chapter 33 Moses needs to hear from God again. He has been speaking with God and trying to mediate some kind of reconciliation due to the golden calf party (see Exodus 32 for a refresher). Here in chapter 33:18-20 Moses again is very bold; “Then Moses said, ‘Now show me your glory.’” What he wants is to see God face to face, but God has another plan.

Have you ever come to the point that you were so desperate to know for sure that God really exists and that He has not left you or abandoned someone you care very deeply about? Is it ok to be bold in our relationship with God to the point we can demand to see him? I would say yes, and even suggest that God is waiting for his children too long for him in such a personal and profound way. What does God do for Moses in this text and in this context? God informs Moses that no one can see the physical face of God and live (33:20), but he also assures Moses that he will be given the opportunity to dwell in God’s very presence, glory and goodness, if he follows the instructions (33:21-23).

What about here and now? My thought for you today is to consider how God shows his presence, glory and goodness through God’s creation, both in nature and in humanity. When you see someone caring unconditionally for another, you are looking at the face of God. When you put your feelings and agenda aside and care for someone, you become the face of God. The Reverend Rita Hayes puts it this way; “Let’s face it. God reveals goodness in ways we cannot begin to comprehend. Like Moses, we cannot venture into life without the abiding face (presence) of God. And God expects us to look into the faces of others and see a trace of God’s likeness reflected there.” (Christian Living Magazine, Spring 2021 edition Pg. 83)