Bake a "Mistition!”
October 26, 2021
Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
Joshua 24:14-15
I heard a story quite a while back about a little boy who was riding in the car with his mom when they came to a stoplight that was flashing all three colors (obviously malfunctioning or perhaps a dangerous “smile, you’re on Candid Camera” moment). Some folks knew to come to a complete stop, look and then proceed with caution. Others, however, saw this as a marvelous chance to run the light and get ahead. The mom was getting a bit antsy as she had never come upon this situation before and couldn’t remember what her drivers manual said so many years ago when she took her driving test.
Suddenly her little son, blurted out “Hurry Momma, bake a mistition!”.
Mom stepped on the gas at the sound of blaring horns and screeching tires. When they reached a safe distance from the light, mom pulled over and asked her son what in the world was he saying, all she heard for sure was “Hurry Momma!”.
The boy simply told her that she had recently been asking him to stop “dilly- dallying” and bake a mistition.
“What?” she said, “what is a mistiton”?
“You know”, he said, it’s when you make up your mind”.
It seems he thought she needed to be reminded to do the same. Today’s text asks the original audience and now asks us as well to make a decision; “If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…” (24:15a). It becomes apparent as you study this passage and it’s historical context, that there is a sense of urgency in the command “choose for yourselves this day” (emphasis, mine) and it also becomes apparent that one way or another the people would be serving some kind of a god.
In my recent study of Spiritual renewal and Covenant renewal, I was reminded that having a sense of urgency is the first step on the journey of renewal. To have a sort of a “wake up call” that makes it clear that we do not have all the time in the world, but that time indeed is marching on and if we simply sit back and let the chips fall where they may, well, we will soon find ourselves in the service of someone, or several someone’s who will direct our future, and not in a way that leads to life everlasting.
At the same time, it is important to realize that we must choose wisely. Be aware, be informed, stay close to God’s word, and stay involved with those around you who need to be cared for. When Joshua says to the people, “choose this day whom you will serve” there is evidence that people somehow inevitably find themselves serving or worshipping something or someone, and he says for him, the choice is clear. He chooses to follow the Lord that brought them out of bondage and never ceases guide them; “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (24:b).
Don’t just “bake a mistition”, make a decision AMEN.