Doubt and Wisdom
Midweek Study with Pastor Edith
John 20:19-29
April 12, 2023
“Doubt and Wisdom go hand in hand"
I got a phone call from a dear friend whom I have not seen in years. She heard that Mark and I are expecting our 5th grandchild in November and wanted to congratulate us. In the course of the conversation she expressed her concern for the recent shooting event in Louisville KY. Funny how a conversation about new life turned into a conversation about lives taken too early. She and I agreed the world is becoming more insane every year. It’s enough to make you doubt your faith. Doubt your faith in humanity, and even doubt your faith in God. After all, couldn’t God prevent such tragedy? Where is God anyway?
My heart goes out to the families who unknowingly celebrated their last Easter with their loved ones. I can’t imagine what the family of the young man who did the killing must be going through. Here is yet another reason why God’s people need to pray constantly. Pray as The Holy Spirit leads you, looking to God’s word to guide so you will be able to discern His voice.
Today’s scripture reading is a reminder to me that doubting isn’t always a bad thing. Doubting can lead me to ask questions; age old questions and new questions. It was Thomas’ doubt that proved him to be faithful. He took Jesus at his word and when the Savior said that people should be careful not to believe everything everyone says because many would come pretending to be the Savior only to mislead and manipulate them.
Pastor Michelle Morris states; “We cannot grow in our discipleship, our faith, our wisdom without asking new questions and raising new inquiries. And we will not be inspired to ask such questions if we do not have doubts” (Adult Bible Studies, Abingdon Press, Sprint 2023 pg. 45).
So, if you are experiencing doubt, take it to the Lord in prayer. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you through your reading of the above scripture and others you are led to explore, then quietly listen for direction. May God bless you as you journey with Jesus in His Word. Wisdom is on the way.